11 March, 2018 Араратская область 3360 Views

Dvin - archeological site

Dvin is shockingly neglected for being one of the country’s most important historic commercial cities; for almost 1000 years Dvin was the capital of the aspirations of Armenians, Arabs, Byzantines, Seljuks, Persians, Ottomans and Georgian kings; each of which ruled over a part of its history.

The ancient city of Dvin was built by Khosriv III of Armenia in 335 on a site of an ancient settlement and fortress from the 3rd millennium BC. Since then, the city had been used as the primary residence of the Armenian Kings of the Arsacid dynasty. Dvin boasted a population of about 100,000 citizens in various professions, including arts and crafts, trade, fishing, etc.
It was invaded by legions and captured the imaginations of kings, emperors, shahs and Emirs. Its fate was recorded by Arab, Greek and European historians and in its heyday, it was one of the largest cities in the Near East, eclipsing the caliphate in Syria and Iraq, and nearly so Cairo and Constantinople.
During its entire history, the city was repeatedly destroyed (twice by earthquake) and rebuilt, creating a strata of history 7-8 meters thick; each layer of which was rich with examples of the way the people lived. 

What to see today
Nowadays there are good artifacts from Dvin’s Bronze Age, and enough fragments and broken columns to allow you to conjure a pretty good idea of how sophisticated the city once was. You can also visit to the Dvin Gallery at the State History Museum in Yerevan and you will be able to appreciate the size of this ancient city. 

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